When God plans to appoint an important mission upon a person, he will first torture the heart, labor the limbs, starve the body, and empty that person.
~ Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong
The Man
In 1994 my first oncologist asked me, “Dan, how did a young man such as yourself get into the business of cancer?” It was a good question. It took me a long time to answer it.
I was originally diagnosed with cancer at the age of 29. I did chemotherapy. a bone marrow transplant, high dose radiation, and Psychotherapy. An experimental treatment. I had five relapses and lived through a painful divorce.
I lost my sense of identity, love of life, relationships, health, and vitality. I felt disconnected and full of despair.
I wanted to end the pain, so I went to a local gun club with plans to end my life. But when I consciously focused on the target and took a shot - everything - my pain, my suffering, my past - all dissolved into the present moment. And I felt free and alive.
This was a turning point, although not the only one. My progress, like all progress, was messy. But I kept working on myself. I read, and I meditated, and I learned more about myself, my cancer, and the world. And when my cancer recurred for the fifth time, and they told me I only had only another 12 months to live, I made a decision - I was going to live the best 12 months of my entire life. I was going to be a better man in those 12 months.
Through meditation, an understanding of how I would create my healing miracle came to me. From that, I created a philosophy of health, life, and love. Within 5 months all the tumors in my body were gone. I’ve been cancer-free for 23 years now. And I am still living the best life I can live.
What I realized was that cancer isn’t the disease - it’s the expression of the disease. Cancer was my body’s way of waking me up. And it became my greatest opportunity to awaken into my own conscious spiritual evolution.
Cancer or any other chronic illness doesn’t need to stop your life. Because it’s not over - in fact, your life has just begun. I say bring it on!
Part of my evolution is helping others move forward in their lives. That’s why I became a holistic heroic performance coach focused on HOPE - Helping Other People Evolve into their true authentic selves.
It took a long time, but I was finally able to answer my oncologist's question:
I got into the business of cancer so I could get into the business of truly living, growing, and helping others.
Your body does not fail you - you fail your body. - Dan Hegerich
Cancer and other chronic illnesses are the truth seeking expression through healing. You have control over that healing process. Anything is possible if you go beyond the mind, although there’s no absolute guarantee.
My life’s mission is to empower you to make inspired, independent and informed decisions about your health, healing and transformation so you can move forward and live your life to its fullest expression. I’m here to give you a compassionate hug or a kick in the butt - whichever one you need most.
Thinking Outside the Box
Taking Responsibility
To become internationally recognized as a coach who contributes to the conscious evolution of humanity by sharing wisdom and knowledge that helps eradicate chronic, degenerative disease on this planet.
Heroic Performance Coaching with Brian Johnson Coach Class-IV/Master Coach-1
Holistic Counseling at Nature Care College, Sydney, Australia
30 Days intensive Medical Qigong with Simon Blow and Master Luke Chan and Grandmaster Fu (granted permission to facilitate Emei Qigong Universal Mantra) in China
Personal Training with National Strength and Conditioning Associations
Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology with Paul Chek of the Chek Institute
Sports Massage Therapy and Remedial Massage Therapy at Nature Care College in Sydney Australia
Conscious Breathing with Michael Ademedes, Leonard Orr, Dan Brule, Judith Kravitz, Michael White, and Stig Severinsen (virtually)
Gerson Diet for Cancer with Bernard Jensen
7-day Tissue Cleanse with Ellen Tart Jensen
Clinical Mastery of the Digestive System with Dr. Rita Marie Loscalzo
Functional Blood Mastery with Dr. Kylie Burton
Food Mastery and Functional fasting with Dr. Don Clum
Nutritional Balancing through Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis with Dr. Larry Wilson
Toastmasters’ Competent Communication
Transformational Author with Christine Kloser
Spiritual Development Awakening with Jason Brody
30-day intensive with Leonard Orr, Life Skills Training, 7 Elements of Healing, Rebirthing
Metabolic Typing and Metabolic Health
Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now
Detox Done Right with Dr. Dan Pompa

Over the past 10 years, I've been privileged to know Dan Hegerich and share many experiences, including Conscious Breathing Groups and Coaching Sessions. Dan offers a disciplined perspective involving wisdom and intensity coupled with a kind heart and a practical, playful approach to nutrition, total health and wellness. I'm honored to work with Dan Hegerich professionally and personally as I grow and expand on my journey.
~ Joshua Needleman, Master Chocolatier and President/Creator of Chocolate Springs Cafe