Turn Any Pain You Have Into Your Purpose.
At 29 years old. I walked into an office - an oncologist in Boston. I was there to find out, why was I so sick? They had done a biopsy. They knew it was cancerous. I was there to find out my diagnosis and prognosis and what am I gonna do about this?
The doctor gave me a question. That doctor asked me, “Dan, how did such a young man get into the business of cancer?
And that question I turned inward and I asked myself.
In that answer I found that I was not living my true authentic self and I was definitely doing things that were not in the best interest of my optimal health, let’s just say that. And to summarize it pretty aggressively, I was living an ignorant and arrogant life.
After that Eternal moment, he had another thing to say. He said, “Dan with a little bit of suffering you will grow stronger.”
Why Most Diets Don’t Work
The reason is because you don't know what diet is. That's the number one reason I believe that you don't know why your diet is not working. Because you don't even know what diet is.
Okay, so let me share with you what I've learned about what diet is.
First, it begins with your mom and dad's diet before conception.
Now you want to think about how your parents have been feeding themselves and what I call preparing the Garden of Eden for the seat of soul to come in and be born into this world. That's part of your diet.
What If I Told You 20-Minutes Of Exercise Could Transform Your Life
What if I told you 20 minutes of exercise can actually change and transform your life? I know you're thinking that's impossible because everybody out there says you need to go to at least a one-hour class. But 20 minutes of concentrated intentional effort trumps anything else.
Cancer Is Not a Disease
I have something to shock you with. And potentially liberate you. What if I told you that cancer is not a disease?
I want you to know something - on this plane of living - whenever you make a statement the opposite is also true.
What does that mean?