Cancer Is Not a Disease

I have something to shock you with. And potentially liberate you. What if I told you that cancer is not a disease? 

I want you to know something - on this plane of living  - whenever you make a statement the opposite is also true. 

What does that mean? 

You've been taught that cancer is a disease and you follow that line of thinking. But the opposite is also true that cancer is not a disease. And if you follow that line of thinking it's going to bring you to empowerment and liberation from all things that you've been taught about how to live and how to be in this world.

If cancer is not a disease, what might it be? 

Well from my personal experience cancer is an expression of the disease. Now we just went down the rabbit hole.

If cancer is not a disease and it's an expression of the disease, what's the disease? 

For me, I learned that it was not living according to my true authentic nature and transgressing from nature's laws. 

Now we just opened up another can of worms,

What does it mean to live your true authentic nature and what are some of nature's laws? 

Well now we're down deeper into the rabbit hole. And what I want to share with you first is living your true authentic nature is taking 100% responsibility for co-creating at very least and creating 100% of your life and your life experiences; How you show up in life? 

And then one of nature's laws is very easy. 

You can think in terms of nature. Nature does not waste anything. Nature is super efficient. So it uses the least amount of energy for the maximum effect. 

One of nature's laws circadian rhythm. We get up with the sun and we go to bed when the sun goes down. 

That's part of nature's laws or circadian rhythm.

There's many other things I could share about it, but for now cancer is not a disease. It's an expression of the disease, which is for the lack of better words, ‘Loss of connection to your own true authentic nature and I might add as a Divine Child of God or as a creator of your own reality.’

Key TakeAways

So if cancer is not a disease, then there's four things you can actually think about in terms of helping you navigate that idea. 

  1. Take 100% responsible for the creation or co-creation of cancer in your disease. That's a hard one to swallow. I know I don't want to be offensive. However taking 100% responsibility for what you create in your life allows you to create what you want to create new life.

  2. Return to nature's laws. Return to living more in accordance with nature.

  3. Find a mentor you want to have someone that you can have hold you objectively to the process of uncovering and discovering your own empowerment. And that is one of the major things. 

  4. The next one would be a community of supportive like-minded people that will celebrate you. On the Journey of creating more empowerment and lifting you up out of a “cancer as a disease poor me” attitude and into “wait cancer is happening for me to liberate me to live more in accordance with my own true nature.” 

"If at first an idea is not absurd, there is no hope for the idea, Sir Albert Einstein
Dan Hegerich

I'm a holistic heroic performance life coach who empowers people dealing with cancer or chronic illness to find their own path towards healing.

As a 6x cancer survivor, I realized that cancer isn’t the disease - it’s the expression of the disease. Cancer was my body’s way of waking me up. And it became my greatest opportunity to awaken into my own conscious spiritual evolution. That’s why I became a holistic heroic performance coach focused on HOPE - Helping Other People Evolve into their true authentic selves. 


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