What Is Your Definition Of God - And How Do You Embody God?
What’s up you respectful rebels? Are you looking to be inspired and live a life of healthy healing and transformation?
Today I have something important to ask you:
What is your definition of God?
How do you embody God, and how do you express that embodiment into the world around you?
These are very important questions, but few people really ask them.
Most people just move according to tribal thinking—adopting a particular definition of God without ever sitting down to consider, "Without the influence of society, churches, religions, spirituality, and all that, what would I really say to express God in my life?"
Now, this might be offensive or triggering to some people, and that means it's challenging your definition of God. As a coach, teacher, and speaker on the subjects of health, healing, and transformation, it’s my job to challenge you. It's not to threaten you or your belief system, but to push you beyond self-limiting beliefs.
God Is Not a Noun
For me, God is not a noun. If God is not a noun, then God can't be a person, place, or thing. That's the first place I would start.
God is being expressed in people, places, and things, yes - but they are embodying it in a certain way. This takes me a bit further to my own definition of God: God is adventurous, mysterious, magical, and full of wonder. When we try to put words to the essence of God, we lose the essence of God.
There are others who have tried to define God, saying that God is a thought, a belief about the feelings and being states that you experience when you have no other way to explain them. Like when something unbelievable happens, and you say, "Oh my (expletive) God, you’re crazy!”—that’s the mystery. Where did that courage or love come from?
God is How We Show Up in the World
My definition of God, how I embody it, and how I express it is reflected in my actions, in how I show up in my relationship to life.
If you want to see someone's definition of God, look at how they show up in the world.
There’s no shame or blame, but that’s the essence.
Adding the grace of God means we enter the unknown with faith—something that's not necessarily built into us but assumed, which is why it’s hard for science to measure or prove faith. It doesn’t have a conceptual framework in the objectives of science.
Faith and trust are different. Trust is something we create through authentic dialogue and by doing what we say we’ll do—that's how we express or earn trust. But faith is individual; it’s between you and your God, your definition of God, your embodiment of God. You cultivate it by entering your own unconscious suffering with faith in the unknown.
Consciously Express Your Godliness to the World
When I was diagnosed with cancer, I had a knowing that this wasn’t how I was going to die—whether by cancer or the treatments. I was riding on faith through the process. So if God is not a noun for you, then what does God mean? How is God showing up in your life? How do you express your godliness or goddess-ness to the world?
Grace, to me, is humbleness, the feminine, nourishing energy—it’s what you lean into for inspiration. We have to be humble with our power; we have to power down to the grace.
Don’t Be Afraid to Bend the Rules of What “God” Means
I want you to reflect on YOUR definition of God.
Don’t be afraid to stretch the rules, because those who make the rules know how to break them. But if you’re following someone else’s rules, you could be acting robotically, without questioning and challenging yourself to move beyond those beliefs and enter into the place of the unbelievable.
When you create your own definition of God and embody it, it will lift you up and protect you from the chaos, conflict, and confusion of this game of polarity and duality that we’re in. That’s where faith comes in—you move beyond the usual perspective because you see the world through a different lens - through the grace of God.
God willing, you enter into the unknown with faith.
Key Takeaways
God is not a noun.
God is how we show up in the world.
Consciously express your godliness.
Don’t be afraid to bend the rules of what “God” means.
Stoics used to say that courage is the key; you face your fear and move in its direction, rather than trying to suppress or hide it. That’s how you strengthen the grace of God within you—by moving through that fear.
I hope you take this to heart and aren’t too offended by this conversation. I invite you to join me on this adventure with an open mind, and I wish you the grace of God within you.