Why Most Diets Don’t Work

The reason is because you don't know what diet is. That's the number one reason I believe that you don't know why your diet is not working. Because you don't even know what diet is.

Okay, so let me share with you what I've learned about what diet is.

Parental Influences

First, it begins with your mom and dad's diet before conception.

Now you want to think about how your parents have been feeding themselves and what I call preparing the Garden of Eden for the seat of soul to come in and be born into this world. That's part of your diet.

And I hate to point this out and be offensive, but the mother’s diet is vital for the birthing of that child or for the environment for that child or that soul to be fertilized into coming into its potential. So that's part of your diet now.

Sensory Consumption

More importantly diet is everything that you put into your eyes, your ears, your nose and your mouth. And on your skin because your skin consumes 68% of what you put on it. That's how a Nicoderm patch works. So if you're lathering all kinds of personal care items on your skin, you're eating it, you're consuming it. So if you don't want to take a tablespoon of that and consume it you might want to consider something else.

Diet is everything you put into your eyes. So everything you look at is feeding you. That’s why I suggest you always feed yourself beauty.

And the most beautiful thing you can have is nature's beauty; flowers and all these other things that put a visual sense of beauty into our eyes. 

Also, what are you reading? Because you're feeding yourself with what you read? That's coming in through the eyes and it's actually getting produced or producing some kind of food for thought if you want to use that language.

What you're listening to. Think of the difference between a running brook and a jackhammer. You know, which one is more soothing and peaceful and nourishing, right? 

I want you to think about the music that you're listening to.

I want you to think about the information that you're listening to.

I want you to think about so many things regarding what you're listening to because you're feeding yourself based on what you're listening to and who you're listening to. 

Now you can listen to yourself internally or you can actually abdicate that responsibility and just listen to other people; take their words for their truth not knowing what your truth is. 

And then in your mouth the foods that we eat. You can even think about anything that you’re consuming in our mouth. Now if you want to get a little bit deeper anything you say is food. So if you're saying things in a negative way that you're feeding yourself; your feeding society negativity. Not a great idea. If you want to actually live in a state that is good for you, right and truthful. We say “watch what you say, because it is food for thought.” 

Now putting things on your skin. I mentioned before that is probably one of the things that most people hate when I say it because it threatens all their personal care items. 

So many things going on our skin out of our own insanity to meet vanity norms in society.


If you understand when you are nourished, then you move in the world in a certain way, which is actually delightful. You become an asset to the evolution of society. But when you're malnourished. 

And to the degree you are malnourished, you become a liability for the evolution of mankind and all the problems of this world because you are the problem now. I don't mean to be offensive, but I have to share how I've come across this in my own life if Gandhi's greatest quote is the change you want to see in the world means anything to you. I'm reiterating it in my special way. 

Key Takeaways

If your diet isn’t working it’s because you haven't taken ownership that you are on a diet and have to go about navigating and guiding yourself back to what nourishes you.

  1. Understand that you are on a diet and that diet goes beyond just food intake.

  2. The diet starts before conception. The ways your parents feed themselves is part of your diet.

  3.  Be mindful of what is consumed through all senses. Feed yourself beauty and if you wouldn't eat it don't put it on your skin.

  4. Take ownership of your diet and make conscious choices to nourish yourself. 

The Doctor Of The Future Will No Longer Treat The Human Frame With Drugs But Rather Cure And Prevent Disease With Nutrition
Dan Hegerich

I'm a holistic heroic performance life coach who empowers people dealing with cancer or chronic illness to find their own path towards healing.

As a 6x cancer survivor, I realized that cancer isn’t the disease - it’s the expression of the disease. Cancer was my body’s way of waking me up. And it became my greatest opportunity to awaken into my own conscious spiritual evolution. That’s why I became a holistic heroic performance coach focused on HOPE - Helping Other People Evolve into their true authentic selves. 


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