Do You Have A Burning Desire In Life? A Deep Yearning That You Want To Bring Forth To The World.

Hey gang, this is Dan, carrying on with the seven elements of healing. If you haven't yet read the blogs or watched the videos on Earth, Water, and Air, today’s topic is Fire.

So, the whole thing about the fire element is - do you have a burning desire in life? A deep yearning that you want to bring forth to the world—or to your world? Earth, Water, and Air represent the solid, liquid, and gas phases of matter. I looked up what the fire element’s phase would be, and they called it the ionic plasmic phase. It reaches into the subatomic aspect of ourselves. That’s why having a relationship with the fire element goes very deeply into our being and cultivates that journey, that burning desire for your true authentic self to come forth.

It's an emotional state. You know that feeling—“I’m on fire with a burning desire!” My soul force, my passions are being expressed in a certain medium on this plane of living

Fire’s Relationship to Our Generative System

Fire refers to the generative system - the capacity to reproduce, regenerate, and restore your body. It directly relates to the nervous system and the hormonal system because those two are married together. That’s why infertility is on the rise—because we don't have a relationship with our fire element, and the ability to reproduce is lacking.

Reduce Artificial Light and Electromagnetic Frequencies

Fire also refers to light. Artificial light is the biggest hindrance to our relationship with fire, along with non-native electrical and magnetic frequencies. Artificial light has a much greater effect on our well-being than most people realize. Fire is the creative realm of thinking; the Earth element is the literal realm of thinking; the Water element is the subjective realm; and the Air element is the paradoxical realm. Fire is the most amazing element because it destroys everything in its path—like wildfires or volcanic eruptions and lava flows—but it also breeds new life. Sunlight is so vital for new beginnings.

Fire Will Burn Up Your Bullshit If You Let It

So yes, you might burn in hell during the transformational process, but then you’re the Phoenix rising. When you start to get into the healing and mastery path, it doesn't necessarily become easier or more comfortable. In fact, the closer you come to your own inner truth, the hotter it feels—like heading to the sun to burn all your bullshit up. You're going to be quite upset at first in this transformational process. If you’re not upset, then you’re not really transforming yourself. If you’re not feeling pissed off, you’re not slicing through the illusion to get to the truth. As I like to say, if you want a slice of heaven, you’re going to have to go through a little bit of hell. It exposes all the lies, but then you see the real truth, which can be really painful at first. But then it gives you new life and a second chance.

Training Your Eyes Feeds Your Inner Flame

In my life, when I was asked, “Dan, how did you get into the business of cancer?,” it felt like an opportunity for me. But I knew I’d have to go through a lot of hell to reach a slice of heaven. It’s the same thing with success coaches - if you want success, you’re going to have to do the work. Interestingly, the fire element also relates to the eyes. What you look at feeds it. You probably didn’t know this, but out of twelve cranial nerves, there are four to five that are dedicated just to the eyes. So, 35% to 40% of your brain's capacity is used for your eyes. That’s why training your eyes, like in yogic practices, is essentially brain training that feeds your inner flame.

Spend Time in Natural Light

It’s also vital to ditch your sunglasses when outside to maintain your relationship with the fire element. Sunlight feeds the brain directly through your eyes. So, contrary to what common knowledge tells you, use common sense and minimize artificial light exposure.

Spending time with the sunrise and sunset has profound effects. Sun exposure at high noon isn’t just for Vitamin D; there’s much more to sunlight therapy. There’s a book called Naked at Noon that explores this deeply. Use common sense—don’t burn your skin, but expose it often. Avoid sunscreen, which blocks beneficial sun rays.

Find Healing Through Fire Therapy

I learned about fire therapy from Landon Orr. Sitting with an open fire alone can heal if you understand the nature of fire. It stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, making us feel warm, safe, and open to creative thinking. But it can take some time. We once sat with a fire for 36 hours while fasting, and at the end, we felt like the Phoenix rising, truly refreshed. It’s a supremely healing experience, and I recommend giving yourself permission to do that. 

Most people sit around a campfire with alcohol and unhealthy snacks like hotdogs on a stick, marshmallows and s’mores. For true healing, use 100% beeswax candles with natural wicks and make it a special moment. If possible, create spaces where people can go to heal with fire. Even a small shed (called a Dhuni hut) with an open fire pit, windows facing east for sunrise and west for sunset, can provide a profound healing experience without the distraction of society.  Once you overcome any anxieties that you might have about it, spending the night on the ground in front of a fire can help you sleep deeply and rejuvenate.

Remember, the fire element is essential for your well-being. Engage with it mindfully and regularly to transform and heal your life.

Key Takeaways

  1. Fire is related to your capacity to regenerate, rejuvenate, and reproduce.

  2. Fire relates to the nervous and hormonal systems, and hormonal imbalances may be related to the fire element.

  3. Reduce exposure to artificial light and electromagnetic frequencies.

  4. Spend time in natural light -  after all, it’s free!

The fires of suffering become the light of consciousness
Dan Hegerich

I'm a holistic heroic performance life coach who empowers people dealing with cancer or chronic illness to find their own path towards healing.

As a 6x cancer survivor, I realized that cancer isn’t the disease - it’s the expression of the disease. Cancer was my body’s way of waking me up. And it became my greatest opportunity to awaken into my own conscious spiritual evolution. That’s why I became a holistic heroic performance coach focused on HOPE - Helping Other People Evolve into their true authentic selves. 


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